недеља, 25. јануар 2009.

Archaeological Approaches to Technology

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The Archaeologist's Laboratory: The Analysis of Archaeological Data

Обавезна литература за сваког археолога!

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Industrial Archaeology: Principles and Practice

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Art History and Its Institutions: Foundations of a Discipline

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The Serbs

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Cranial trepanation is a fascinating field of study. Although more is known today about its place in human history, never before have those involved in studying these man-made skull openings come together to exchange information and ideas. This volume will look at the history of trepanation, the identification of skulls, the tools used to make the cranial openings, and theories as to why trepanation might have been performed many thousands of years ago. Among the issues addressed are: how trepanation led to modern surgery, the evolution of surgical procedures, the roles of magic, pathology and cranial injuries, future directions for study.

The volume has a cross-disciplinary appeal: chapters will be included from authorities in the field of anthropology, psychology, surgery, medical history, sociology and archeology. Chapters are written by authorities/leaders in the field. No other book is solely on trepanation.

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The Early Germans

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Crusader Archaeology: The Material Culture of the Latin East

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An Archaeology of the Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms

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The Chinese Neolithic: Trajectories to Early States

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The Archaeology of the Caribbean

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The Ottomans and the Balkans: A Discussion of Historiography

Fikret Adanir, Ph.D., is Professor of Southeast European and Ottoman-Turkish History at the University Bochum.
Suraiya Faroqhi, Ph.D., is Professor of Ottoman History at the Universitey of Munich.

Формат: пдф/рар/24 МБ

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Archaeology and Modernity

This is the first book-length study to explore the relationship between archaeology and modern thought, showing how philosophical ideas that developed in the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries still dominate our approach to the material remains of ancient societies. It discusses the modern emphasis on method rather than ethics or meaning, our understanding of change in history and nature, the role of the nation-state in forming our views of the past, and contemporary notions of human individuality, the mind, and materiality. Julian Thomas also addresses the modern preoccupation with depth, which enables archaeology to be used as a metaphor in other disciplines. The book concludes by advocating a "counter-modern" archaeology that refuses to separate material evidence from political, moral, rhetorical, and aesthetic concerns, as well as meaning.

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Applying Evolutionary Archaeology: A Systematic Approach

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The Amateur Archaeologist

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Mesopotamia Before History

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Medieval Religion: New Approaches

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